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Validated ID

Jordi Gomez

Validated ID

Logotipo Validated ID

At Validated ID, we protect what makes you unique. We provide secure digital identity and electronic signature solutions that ensure trust, privacy, and compliance.

Sector of activity:

Validated ID is a leading company in secure digital identity and electronic signature solutions. As a Qualified Trust Service Provider (qTSP) under the European eIDAS regulation, Validated ID specializes in ensuring the authenticity and security of digital transactions. The company offers two key solutions: VIDsigner, a secure electronic signature platform, and VIDidentity, an innovative Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solution that enables users to manage their digital identity securely and in compliance with GDPR. With over 4,000 clients across 35 countries, Validated ID helps businesses reduce risks, improve operational efficiency, and secure digital processes. Its commitment to innovation and excellence enables it to offer solutions that accelerate digital adoption while protecting what matters most: customer trust.